Saturday, February 27, 2010

1 mile run day wod day

I started my work week but that does not mean I will stop progressing, doing the wod or practicing form. I brought my wooden stick to work and of course practicing and vocalizing all key performance points of the foundational movements. It is quite a work out in itself if you are just practicing the movement. I also did alot of study up and putting together a beginner package and on ramp curriculum.

Point of the Day

They say if you not afraid or have a fear for your work out, you are not doing it right or perhaps you are plateuing or boring or lack of intensity and hence lack overall improvement in fitness. In another word, you can run and run and run until your body burned out but yet no gain, why? Because you running intensity has been overcame by your body adapation and this will lead to plateu and decline in performance. So, a mile run seem to be an easy thing right? Well, for me it isn't, sure most people can do a mile with ease, you can go on the track and pace yourself out for a mile or run a mile and call it, but if you truely want to build intensity and challenge yourself or to create that greater neuro adaptation, a mile run can be tackled or done in different angle to challenge your body, of what crossfit called it constant varied intensity, for continue adaptation.

Today, for me, sprint the first lap as quick as you can, try to do it in a min then ran the rest for under 6 min. Now, that mile just got added a new dimension and sure will get you a work out. Go give it a try and i m confident you will look at your running routine with fear and jitter.

There are so many dimension that one can implement to break that plateuing effect
My next dimension of my mile is to run the first 3/4 and sprint the last 1/4.
sprint, run, sprint
run, sprint, run

My Wod
sprint the first 400 m time it 1. 3 min
ran the rest for a mile time it 6.5min
rest for 4 min and did 20 pullups 2x total of 12 purposeful min of workout.

my goal under 6min mile..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday W n G day

My weights and Pullup day work out, continue with my training on DL and Bench press.
The NW regional for the Crossfit game is this Saturday and Sunday in Monroe Washington, I really would like to go and check it out, unfortunately it's on my work week. Very dissappointed that I am not going to be able to check it out. Hopefully, I will be able to make the trip to Aromas, Ca for the main event game. It would be an amazing experience to say the least.

Work out point of the day
In exercise often time people would have, say running day (cardio) and gym day(lifting day) and they would break it down to often separate days. Well for the Crossfit the programming, there are three modes of training, the W,M,G. W for weight, M for Metabolic or Cardio and G for gymnastic or body weight exercise. And programming involve a progressing and mixing of the modalities, the more modatities the higher the intensity (requires more elements of fitness) of the work out. Case in point the one mode days are the dreaded days and the three modes days well are hell days. So the next time you see a work out or a wod, it's not because they just pick it out of a hat, there are science and method behind it.

Pullups 20 10 5
DL 375 rmax
Bench press 250 rmax

Friday, February 19, 2010

Yeah! First Group relay Fun wod!!

Loi, kellie, mike, phong,lisa,jen,me,sarah

We had our first group fun work out tonight with friends and family, thank you guys for coming out eat food then work out.. crossfit style.

Warm up, squat clinic then scale n modified version of Helen, DB swings(10-20lbs), pushups, 200m run for 5 min as many reps , do it in team of four and add up the total reps. a little mixed up on the rep counts.. but nevertheless all the effort were there and good job Guys!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

practice practice.. 9 foundational movements..

Being a good athlete does not always translate to being a good coach or trainer. Far from it! So I set myself to learn as much as I can, absorb all the teaching skills and master all key foundational movements of crossfit. These are; squat, front squat, overhead squat, shoulder press, push presh, push jerk, deadlift, sumo high pull dl, med ball clean. additional movements; pullups, dips, muscle ups, snatch, power and oly clean and others.. these are some of most technical movements that one can mastered. And be able to teach others about these movements is even more technical, I know that it can't happen over night, I know that it's a learning and practicing process, I know that my teaching skills can be honed and sharpened through practice. I believe that with my unwavering passion,determination and love for crossfit and coaching, passing on what's crossfit is all about to others, that I will put my athletes above all, that I will not short change or undermine their development and abilities or full potential of being fit and healthy because I have not done my homework or practice or teaching the technicals. With this writing to remind myself that I have lots to learn, but yet confident in my abilities that I will make the best out of my athlete.

My profile: 1RMax for today (shouldn't have done all this in a single session, dont do what I do..haha)
DL 350lbs (3 300,3 330, 3 340, 2 345, 1 350)
Bench press 230 lbs ( 5 205, 5 225, 1 230)
Back squat: 300 ( 5 250, 3 275, 2 295, 1 300)
Pullups: 30
L Sit: 30sec
Pushups: 90, Ring pushups: 35
Ring Dips: 30
Hang straight Leg raises: 21
Power Clean: 185lb

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yeah I m offically Level I Crossfit Certified Trainer

I just got done with level I crossfit cert this weekend at Rainier Crossfit in Puyallup. It was a 2 days event for certification training. Anxious and anticipation were building up leading to the event, but all nerves settled as we set to do the Fran. 21 15 9 95lbs thrusters and pullups for time toward the end of day one. The two day events, we learned about the 9 fundamental movements, the 10 domain of fitness, what is crossfit and fitness. But most importantly it is in functional movements that we are practicing and that training should be for life as it is in the pursue fitness. beside the theological teaching, there were the exercises, programing, scaling, supplement exercises, zone eating. All in all it was a great learning event. Because it is essential to learn basic foundation movement to build on, and this even will teach you just that the correct and essential forms. I dig it. Now it is my hope to introduce to those that seeketh.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Training for Level I Cert

My off week and very excited about this weekend, level I cert, is finally about to approach and counting down the days. haha.. Also training on my zone eating strategies.

Practicing on Fran
21 15 9
95Lb thrusters

finish of
400 m run
21dumbbell swing (40)
12 burpees

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1 mile run + muscle ups

No basketball for my cardio day so I went to the track and did a 1mile run for time 7:00 min. My goal is 5:5 min mile, been doing basketball for cardio and 400m run to working on running with pose method. After my run wen to the Burien park and did 2 sets of 10 muscles up (with some kipping) then finished off with 10 pullups. Got my sweat out so I feel great. Besides, it's a beautiful afternoon.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Finally my first muscle up..wait my 5 in a row muscle up and how you to can do a muscle up

Finally after months of training for a muscle up, I finally done it not 1 but 5 in a row and 2 sets. Now a muscle up is a combination of a pullup and dip in one. It is one of the hardest if not the hardest move one can do and not to many can do this. So it is liberating to know the I conquered this quest.

My training for it:
Try to work your way toward at least 20 pullups and 20 dips ( ring dips are best) in a row
next up work on how fast you can do it in 1 min this will work on your power that require to do a muscle up. Consistently train to do 20 pullups and 20 dips every other day and many set as you can. Also do some reverse dip on the bar. And the technique of over the bar hand grip as well as quick burst of a pullup. There you have it, now go out and play.

My next project will be video taping on how I train for muscle up at different parks in and around Seattle area that have pullup bars. It's sort of like a park guide to crossfit friendly park and/or how to train for a muscle up.

And another project will be traveling and doing crossfiting in other part of world, mine will be Vietnam when I travel there this coming April. Doing my crossfiting in strange places..haha..should be fun.