Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Eve WOD: ring style

Ok, most people have all sort of new year resolutions, don't matter what it is, but matter most is when. The problem is that they are not doing it, I wish, I like, I would statements and worse yet I'll start after a certain day or big excuse is new year. Is like the mark of some sort of ritual, for me is just another date for excuses. These statements are for people that are still in precontemplation stage and not full pledge of commitment that just do it without a specific set date and build from there.
So, today in the eve of new year, my before new year resolution my ring wod and hopefully I can do a muscle up in a week.

Ring WOD
10 pullups
10 dips
10 L pullups
10 rows
10 reverse rolls
1 min held

cash out
with several attemps to get shoulder over
10 modified jump muscle ups..

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