Saturday, January 30, 2010

Practicing on Olympic form lifting

yeah, 2 weeks away from my Crossfit Certificate I very excited. So training and practicing Olympic form lifts.
Using Wooden bar and 45 lbs bar
Practicing correct form of lifting exercises

Clean & Jerk
Push Press
kipping pullups

Cash out
Front Squat
Sumo deadlift

Training for muscle up
10 pull ups
10 bar dips and reverse dip
10 jump muscle up

Some idea for other form of exercises
keg lift, keg carry, keg press; fill with half full water can create an imbalance movement of the object therefore requires muscle to work harder; for balance and stabilization.. very cool.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back from a weekend of hiatus; i see basketball as a way to take out some aggression.

Well, I got back from a weekend trip, it was fun, but no WOD made my body itches and my muscles twitch. So today I got back to my weekly basketball, usually I played an hour of full court of basketball but today I played two hours.. so to push myself to the limit of what my lungs and heart can push. So to my surprise I did it and felt good about it.
It's all about the preparation, pre game prep. psych yourself up to the possibility of the game you are about to play, and not to think that you are tired or the play, but feel the play and enjoy the flow of the game.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Group WOD

Good job guys!!
For now just to complete the wod is the goal and hopefully time the work out will soon be implemented..


5 min warmup
jump in place, jump rope, tire jump

10 pullups
10 pushups
10 10(fe) 20(male)lb DL
10 " " thruster

Cash out ( practice or playing on other stuff)
tire passess(or pushes)
tire hopping
50 situps

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yeah, another added equipment..Big Crossfit Tire

Well, I have been again checking CL frequenly for a free tire, not any tires, but a big old tractor tire, so it was my luck I came across one in Renton. So contacted the lady and told her I'll come by today and pick it up. Today, the last day of my work week, and it is my half day so after I done with the meeting I can rush over there by noon to pick it up. I going to be that easy. Well, to all my senses the boss was late and worse yet he had hours load of stuff that he going to throw at us. Man, sitting there zoning off all the crossfit tire exercises that I can do with this new toy; the jumping tire, the lifting and not to mention the sledghammering.. when is this meeting going to end? Well, the freaking meeting ended like 5 hours later, and way pass the 12noon. So i rush home, pick up the truck and rolling over to the lady house, she nice enough to put in the driveway. No sure how she got it there, but anyrate, I loaded that thing with a help from my lil sister in law. So I was excited and best of all it's free and the lady is loving that we clear some space for her house.. and ofcourse another crossfit equipment.

Friday, January 15, 2010

WOD log

Ok going green, save pen, paper and keep them forever, how about online log of your work out. I created a workout log online using google doc/excel. you can keep track of your work outs and see your progress. It's pretty neat, you can do it for yourself and invite others to join in and actually add their work outs and be able to edit them whenever and possibly whereever. It's pretty neat. Check it out!
January '10 WOD Log
Febuary '10 WOD Log
March '10 WOD Log

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Before work week start WOD

It've been raining for days now.. and the garage is flooded, but what the heck, got my music system on and wod i will do.

warm up
15 pullups
115 lbs deadlift 10x
115 lbs front squat 10x
40 lbs pushups 10x
115 lbs barbell thruster 5x
10 rope dips

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yeah.. Got myself a dumbbell set and a white board project

Yeah.. Today I picked up a set dumbbell for a pretty good price, from 10lbs to 40 lbs in 5lbs increment plus a rack. Had to travel far but it's well worth the price and it's practically new, and ofcourse ready for my crossfit dumbbell exercises.. thrusters, pushup rows, pushups, flys, you name it, we got an excercise for it.
I also did a white board project, because I was very frustrated of not able to find a decent white board for me to use. So true to me, I went out and make my own white board.
2x3 Plexiglass home depot cost $14 (bigger cost more)
white plastic spray paint (3)
4 screws.. free from my tool box

First drill four hole in four corners with the plastic protection sheet on
Peel the back end of the plexiglass, its good to drill on a scrap piece of wood and then spray the back and let it sit to dry. It is also good to slant the board on the scrap board to the paint won't pool if you spray too much. Just a thin layer will do and spray more if needed.
put it up in on your wall.
There you have.. very simple and much slicker and easy to clean than your regular white board.
one more tip: If you have a permanent marker on the board, clean it with.. you guess it gasoline.( car engine cleanner) but dont mix it with anything flammable.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sunday and Tuesday basketball

I've been somewhat hectic but still keeping up with basketball cardio on Tuesday and Church Basketball on Sunday. Hopefully work my way to train for my half marathon this coming spring..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday at the park..WOD

Recovering from the New Year fluid consumption. It's the second day of the 20/10 and yes another park day. Well pretty close to the park in Burien, there is a grade school and suprisingly there is a old school track for running and field goal post for pullups, old school I mean, the track aren't paved with the hard surface where you run like on sand so it's actually a good thing, not alot of shock up on your joints, good for long distance run and a perfect training setup for 1/2 marathon training. Being the second day, I noticed as time trickled toward the afternoon, more and more people joined in on the track for walks, I am assuming these are the new year resolutioners, well anytype of exercise is better than none, so it's a good sight to see more people making an effort to get some exercise and change the things that kept them back. Hope they'll keep it up....

my park WOD for time
1/2 lap 10 pullups
so 1 mile 40 pullups

Friday, January 1, 2010